Re: [CR] Masciarelli bicycles

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

References: <B89024BAB8524912AA773EE33C13BD07@pc2>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 20:45:44 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Masciarelli bicycles

Welcome to the CR list!

Let's see some pics of that bike Joel. I confess it's the first I have heard of this maker...

Thanks dale

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina USA

-----Original Message----- From: Joel Rice <> To: Sent: Fri, Jul 9, 2010 8:33 pm Subject: [CR] FW: Welcome to the "Classicrendezvous" mailing list

-----Original Message----- From: Joel Rice [] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:33 PM To: '' Subject: RE: Welcome to the "Classicrendezvous" mailing list

Hi: thanks for allowing me to participate "quest" is to learn more about Masciarelli bicycles. I was able to purchase one here in Sacramento, California some weeks ago. The bike I purchased is a Columbus tubing framed bike with A mixture of Italian parts (Campagnolo, Saccon, Italmanubri and Galli) and I would like to find out if anyone on the CR List knows anything about the (non-carbon) versions of this bike. I found a site (in Italy) for Masciarelli and contacted it, but was given a very terse (but polite) response that they now only produce "carbon" bikes. I am afraid my Italian is as weak as their English, so my quest has ended there. I have also tried the obvious with EBAY, Craigslist and other bike "vintage" sales forums and have not found any Masciarelli for sale (or even mentioned). a new member, I have the Masciarelli which I am using as a daily commuter to work and back and I have a Peugeot PX-10 (I think) ....The Peugeot has "531" tubing and Galli /Stronglight /Ambrosio/ Superbe parts and has the name "Super Competition" on the frame, although I am not sure of the PX -10 designation, but have seen that mentioned in other sites with respect to Peugeot. I also have a Specialized, which is not "on topic" as it is not a classic. I bought it before I realized how much I like the ride of the older frames and have seriously considered trading it for another classic bike.

Joel Rice Sacramento, California USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:15 PM To: Subject: Welcome to the "Classicrendezvous" mailing list

Welcome to the mailing list! PLEASE READ THESE RULES! PLEASE READ THESE RULES! The Classic Rendezvous e-mail list rules are different from other web forums and must be followed by all members. By participating in the list each member agrees to be bound by the all rules and those who do not will simply be removed from the list. This forum was created for the exchange of information and experiences relating to classic lightweight bikes and extends invitations to like-minded enthusiasts. Please note that this list is privately owned; it is not a "public" entity where democratic rule might apply. This forum should be viewed as "a group of friends who have been invited into the list owner's garage to talk about vintage lightweight bikes" and the invitees should behave as guests. Revised June 12, 2010

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5. The CR list is for enthusiasts to share and appreciate their hobby. It is NOT to be used to maximize the selling prices of vintage bikes or parts, nor as a tool to establish "value. "What is my/your/this X worth?" is an inappropriate topic. Please search online auctions such as eBay for that information.

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10. Please post no more than three (3) messages per day to keep forum mail minimized. Make each message "weighty", i.e., having content that truly contributes.

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12. Courteous exchanges only. The list is not intended as a debate forum. Passionate disagreements may not be indulged in on-list. Members should be able to participate with the expectation that their contributions will be respected and they will be free from subsequent on-list or off-list harassment. A CR list member will immediately lose their membership if they engage in any attack or negative posts to or about another CR member. 13.No blatantly commercial messages please. If you have a vintage bicycle specific business, please obtain permission from the List owner before posting.

14. Obscene (as the list owner views it), scatological, rude, off-color, vulgar, ugly, demeaning, or insulting language is prohibited and will result in instant removal! 15. New members are encouraged (but not required) to provide a short profile of themselves: what bikes they have or wished they had, other experiences relative to these bikes and a bit about who they are... Check out the CR archives for info on the rest of us. The archives are here (

16. While the CR focus is on the beginning of the twentieth century to 1983, a few contemporary, classically made small workshop bikes are considered on- topic* here These are generally referred to as "KOF" (see # 2 above). Those welded, injection molded, or glued modern wonders belong in some other mail list. Ditto for mountain bikes, "middle weights", BMX, recumbents, and balloon-tired bikes. Those bikes have merit, but they do not belong on the Classic Rendezvous. Ditto for components that are post- 1983 or those which are harbingers of a new, aesthetically "modern" era (like cycle computers, clipless pedals, index shifting, etc.) If in doubt of the appropriateness of your intended topic, please ask the web master first.

17. By joining and participating in the CR email list, each applicant and user hereby affirmatively waives any and all claims, causes of action, rights of action which may arise at any point or anytime with respect to any alleged libel, slander, defamation, false light claim or any other related personal tort claim. This waiver shall inure to the benefit of all CR List members, the List Master, Dale Brown, Cycles de ORO, Inc., and any assigns, heirs, or representatives. Each user assumes his or her own risk by participating in the CR List. Subject to the discretion of the List Master, members engaging in abusive or tortuous behavior will be permanently removed. Any and all claims or suits arising out of use, in any manner, of the CR list shall be subject to mandatory arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such arbitration shall take place in Greensboro, North Carolina, and be governed by the law of the State of North Carolina regardless of any conflicting (???)Rules. Do not hesitate to ask a newbie question. Everyone starts at the beginning! Please contact me at Webmaster if you have any questions.

Have fun and welcome aboard! Dale Brown, List owner and web master

(Special thanks to Jon Spangler for editing)

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