I'm going to join the English trike group. It will then become "Mad dogs and Californians".
I still wonder how many trikes are actually in the states. I suspect under 20; probably closer to 10. Some day we will have to have a Ben Hur style trike race.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> Brian Baylis and Paul Patzkowsky have fessed up to have
> trikes, there's likely a few more. Check out the Tricycle
> Association group in England,
> may seem strange, the Tricycle Association is the only association of
> its kind in the World. We have twelve overseas members, but in
> general tricycling as a sport is confined to the UK."
> Sounds like the "mad dogs and Englishmen" syndrome... ;^)
> Roy "mad dog category" Drinkwater
> Lititz "rain like England today", PA
> Mark Cutrufelli sez:
> >Thank you for pointing out these items.The trike is the thing that really got
> >me curious. I was wondering why they made racing trikes. Do other companies
> >make them? You would think that they would be much slower because of the
> >third wheel. I admit that a highwheel looks too scary for me.But slower or
> >faster, the racing trike looks interesting enough- I would certainly try one
> >if I got the chance. Do any listmembers own one or have any experiences
> >they could relate in trying or regularly riding one? Do they have separate
> >races for these trikes?I can see one advantage to people who have trouble
> >extricating their feet from clips-no fear of falling.