[CR]Today, the Tommasini became my only bike

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
Cc: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 22:39:07 -0500
Subject: [CR]Today, the Tommasini became my only bike

Earlier this year, I found a near-new Tommasini SLX Super Prestige frame and fork to replace one I foolishly sold to a list member a few years back. I regretted selling the first Tommasini almost immediately after selling it, although I knew it was going to a good home to a fellow who really wanted it and I had many other frames I thought could replace it. I was wrong.

I love the look and ride of the Tommasini's and, while I have not been riding much lately, when I do ride I find myself not wanting to ride anything but the Tommasini. I have thought several times this summer about riding something else, but riding time which I used to take for granted is so precious I find myself wanting to make every ride the most fun it can be.

My other built up bike was a Steelman SR525, a nice riding bike with clean welds and durable and pretty dark blue metallic powdercoating. No knock on the Steelman, but since building up the Tommasini this spring when I went to the garage to pick out a bike to ride the Tommasini was the only one I chose.

Today, I took the Steelman apart and won't be riding it anymore. The beauty of the Tommasini with its beautiful paint and shiny chrome stays and fork and nice lugs, plus the heritage of Italian workmanship from a great builder and a ride that is the best I have ever had on a bike, was simply too much for the Steelman to overcome.

My bike friends around here ride Litespeed titanium or Trek carbon fiber bikes and don't understand what I see in these older, heavier, frames with their 1" threaded steel forks. You all do, which is why it is such a pleasure to be able to share and feel such a love for vintage lugged steel from your postings.

Thanks to all of you,

Frank Phillips
McAlester, OK