Re: [CR]Shimano Aero Bike

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 17:11:04 -0400
From: "James Swan" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Shimano Aero Bike
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>

That is pretty interesting Dale.

I got my tube & lug set from my buddy who was an in-house rep for SBA. I guess it was kicking around there for the better part of 10 years.

I was looking for a seat post for it before I committed to building the frame. Ross Sheafer (sp?)(Salsa) gave me an aero seat post that didn't fit the seat tube that came with the kit, but he also gave me a seat tube to go with it. Ross is a good guy... So I still have the original seat tube.

I still have the bike too but it is embarrassing. I built it in two rushed days. I made no attempt to smooth out the fillets. I just sand blasted it and gave it a crude rattle can paint job. The kid that I built it for put my name on it with press type and he was off to the races.

Several other riders have used it over the years for kilos and pursuits. Now it is not legal because of the small front wheel, so it hangs on the last hook in my repair area...

Regards, Jamie Swan - Northport, N.Y. (mapped)

On May 25, 2005, at 12:42 PM, wrote:
> In a message dated 5/25/2005 8:57:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Hi Alan,
> We just had a similar thread on the Frame Builders' List.
> Someone was looking for a set of aero lugs.
> I had the lugs he was looking for. I got one of the tube sets that you
> mentioned in the early '90s and built this fillet brazed "funny bike".
> Third picture down:
> I still had the lugs in my display case.
> I think we talked about this before many moons ago (maybe before the
> current
> archives started) but I obtained two sets of that Tange aero tubing
> from
> McLean Fonveille (McLean & Silk Hope frames) before he died.
> He was sent (for very little $) the sets complete with lugs and
> dropouts etc.
> with the implied obligation to build bikes for display at the next New
> York
> Bike show. As conservative as he was, he decided he could not "get
> into that"
> so did not use them.
> These tubes & lugs are the same raw elements that Irio Tomassini was
> given to
> make the Onion River team bikes:
> He reportedly disliked the result and swore never to make another with
> that
> tubing! They are a little whippy but not so bad. Not light at all
> though!
> I built up one set of the tubing into a filet brazed time trail bike
> for my
> team rider Chris Blake, who went on to become NC State TT champ a
> couple of
> years in a row.
> It is not exactly my style bike (lugless, etc.) but that's what he
> wanted.....
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA