Re: [CR]plain gauge for hub gears?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:58:16 +0000
From: "Hilary Stone" <>
To: Fred Rafael Rednor <>
Subject: Re: [CR]plain gauge for hub gears?
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Spoke holes in alloy shelled SA hubs do enlarge particularly if the spokes are tightly enough laced. But original size holes are fine with 15/17g spokes - thin 6BA brass washers under the spoke head do offer more support to the spoke elbow and can improve spoke life especially if the rider is heavy or heavy loads are carried. But I have built many period SA hubs with 15/17g spokes and have never had any problems both personally or with wheels built for other riders...

Hilary Stone, Bristol, England

Fred Rafael Rednor wrote:
> Simon,
> I think you do need to use the thicker spokes with these
> hubs, but the issue - if I understand things correctly - has to
> do with the large diameter of the spoke holes in the hub. If
> you search the CR archives, there should be a reasonable number
> of posts discussing this. Some also might have mentioned the
> thickness (or more properly, the thin-ness) of the SA hub
> flanges, which also affects the spoke you can use.
> If you use the double butted spokes, there are these tiny
> washers that you install between the spoke head and the hub.
> They help keep things tight, which also works to prevent
> breakage at that end of the spoke. So I know it's a tough
> decision...
> Good luck,
> Fred
> -------- simon bird <> wrote:
>> i've just picked up a wheelset that an ancient wheelbuilder
>> made for me. its for a fast london hack (with a bit of style)
>> and will go onto a beautiful 1948 frame once its repainted.
>> the front wheel is lovely, suntour superbe pro on ma2 built 4
>> cross(!) with 15/17 db spokes. he built the sturmey archer
>> alloy am onto my 40 hole ma2 with thick, plain gauge spokes.
>> it looks like it should be on a mo-ped.
>> this guy has long experience building wheels. he's been a
>> wheelbuilder since the 50's when he worked for claude butlers
>> and holdsworth, and this is the way he said it should be done
>> because of shock/stress when gears are changed in a hub gear,
>> -a new one on me.
>> he has said that if i want he'll re-build it with db spokes
>> but that he won't guarentee the wheel.
>> any thoughts?
>> were hub gears usually built with thick plain gauge spokes?
>> are there greater strains and stresses in a wheel with an
>> internally geared hub?
>> should i follow my aesthetic sense?
>> simon bird
>> london england
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