[CR]RE: Sheldon's Passing, Now Time for a big thank you to all!

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 17:29:19 -0500
Subject: [CR]RE: Sheldon's Passing, Now Time for a big thank you to all!


I am hoping that Dale will allow me this momentary lapse in protocol.

With today's tragic news of Sheldon's passing I thought it high time for a general thank you. This is not an attaboy, just a genuine note of thanks to all who have helped me in my projects recently and in the past. There have often been too many replies for me to answer individually. I am sure there have also been people I haven't properly thanked in the past.

The wonderful wealth of knowledge held collectively within this list hit home not only with Sheldon's death, and the realisation that his vast experience is now lost to us, but also in contemplating the tremendous advice and assistance I have received from so many list members in recent weeks. Each has graciously given his time to answer what must at times have seemed somewhat simplistic and confused questions from a relative novice in many areas of bicycle restoration and collecting. But, despite the inanity of many of my queries at no point did I feel that I was being talked-down to and, in the process, I have my learning curve has fot less steep!

Thanks to all and special thanks to Dale for bringing us all together in his living room in a common cause and a common passion. May the hospitality long continue.

Paul Williams,
Ottawa, ON, Canada