RE: [CR]RE: An Open Letter To Jon Fischer / VeloBase And The CR List

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

From: "Jon Fischer" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]RE: An Open Letter To Jon Fischer / VeloBase And The CR List
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:54:37 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BLU135-W439A750EF37CEAC0B35C2E85210@phx.gbl> <BAY109-W41B2C5C726BBB39BF354EC9C210@phx.gbl> <BLU135-W277966EC7E854A4A1A07FD85210@phx.gbl>

The Vintage Cycling community is a fairly small and close knit one. I in n o way want to be the black sheep in the bunch. It is my sole desire to spr ead the knowledge and information that is slowly starting to disappear from the world about classic and vintage bicycles. I'm one of the 'new generat ion' who was far too young (or not even around yet) to learn and experience these bikes the first time around. When I got into vintage bicycles the l earning curve was fairly steep as I stumbled through taking apart the $10 S chwinn traveler I purchased off ebay. It was woefully neglected before I b ought it and I poured over the bike, slowly restoring it to a functioning b ike. As I did I had a lot of questions about what replacement parts might work with what I had. Now a few years later I had the opportunity to use m y degree in computer science to give back to the community who taught me so much, and continues to do so.

I await contact from Mr. Broderick with his request for removal of items th at he has spent his own valuable time collecting, scanning, and hosting on WoolJersey. That is, all that would have been needed in the first place, i nstead of a public 'Open Letter' with threats of legal action on the list t hat has stirred up all of this discussion and detracting from the much more worthy discussion about classic lightweight bicycles. Personally I find t he discussion of bicycles much more enjoyable, and I am sure few would disa gree with this.

I am sure that Dale would appriciate it if we took any continued discussion on this topic off list.

Jon Fischer Dallas, Tx

The Greatest Trophy of all is the sense of Accomplishment http://velobase.c
om |
> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 15:40:23 -0800> From:> Subject:
Re: [CR]RE: An Open Letter To Jon Fischer / VeloBase And The CR List> CC: c> > On Feb 18, 2008 3:29 PM, Jon Fischer <cuda> wrote:> >> > Mr. Broderick,> >> > I have been sent material
for VeloBase from many individuals throughout t> > he cycling community. I
f any material on was scanned by yours> > elf personally pleas
e give me a list of these items and they will be remove> > d immediately up
on request. I have referenced your wooljersey albums in th> > e past but ca
n not recall all of what you had and what overlap there might> > have been.
I apologize if there was some content sent to me that you hold> > copyrigh
t to. And again, I will remove it immediately once identified. I> > mean no
t to step on anyone's toes with their hard work. I do attempt to co> > ntac
t the owners of images and get their approval before using it on the si> >
te. However when content is sent to me, I can only assume that they do so>

> with the ability to share and allow me to host it. If you have any other
i> > ssues, please contact me directly and we can certainly work this out.
Than> > k you.> >> > Jon Fischer> > Dallas, Tx> > As Mr. Gill has pointed o
ut, it is unlikely that Mr. Broderick has any> legal standing as primary co
pyright holder to demand the removal any> of the materials on your website.
That said, it would be courteous to> honor his request with the explicit u
nderstanding that you are in no> way likely to be under any legal force or
compulsion to do so.> > Threats and demands of a pseudo-legal nature, parti
cularly baseless> ones, can have a very harmful chilling effect on allowabl
e fair use> and public discourse online if they are given more weight than
the law> actually lends them.> > Kurt Sperry> Bellingham WA> USA> _________