[CR]Eisentraut pics unpainted, Nervex lugged, got it up on Wool Jersey

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

From: "Marie VanRemortel" <germanyvrs@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 14:04:09 +0000
Subject: [CR]Eisentraut pics unpainted, Nervex lugged, got it up on Wool Jersey

Hi CRfolks, I've been on this list for almost 10 years and read the weekly archives, I don't post much. But after getting through Morgan's backup of requests I've got my Nervex lugged Eisentraut custom (unpainted shots too) and Limited up on on his WoolJersey site. Link is: http://www.wooljersey.com/gall ery/v/bostonvrs/ It has a Stainless Steel headbadge, all period Campagnolo Nuovo Record except the Grand Bois tires (best Clinchers, period). I've g ot the correct Cinelli 1A 60's (nut bolt, not allen, under) and 66-42 NOS b ars on a shelf but am riding these Ambrosio/TTT stem/Nitto Noodle bars beca use they feel so nice while riding. My '77 Limited has been painted once in
   1991 by Cyclart, but there are shots as it has grown up with various compo nents. I'm going back with a set of 61's, and all Campy except for my Rall y (which I LOVE on every bike). Glad to see GPVB back on the list and thank s to all of you who continue to post!! Regards, Bruce VanRemortelNeedham, M A, USA, 15 degrees and 8" of new snowDreaming of a Spring thaw... _________________________________________________________________ Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with sta r power. http://club.live.com/star_shuffle.aspx?icid=starshuffle_wlmailtextlink_ja n